We made this little card for Caden to give to people when he tells them about Jesus soon return. I've even started handing them out, it's so exciting to share the Good News of Jesus' soon return!
We even started a blog for him to share about Jesus' soon return: www.ready2blastoff.blogspot.com
You have our permission to print as many of the Blast Off! cards as you'd like, to give to your friends and family, free of charge.
We recently read the book Jesus Is Coming Again with the kids. After
reading this book, Caden reminds us daily to listen for the trumpet so
we can "blast off to see Jesus", he asked Jesus into his heart when he
was 2.5 yrs old, he's 4 now.
Whenever we go out, people stop us, to talk with
the kids and tell us how cute they are. Caden, all on his own, has been
taking this opportunity to tell everyone he meets about Jesus and his
soon return.